Oracle Delete all Objects in a schema

DECLARE BEGIN FOR eachObject IN ( SELECT ‚DROP ‚ || object_type || ‚ ‚ || object_name || DECODE ( object_type, ‚TABLE‘, ‚ CASCADE CONSTRAINTS PURGE‘ ) AS statement_sql FROM user_objects WHERE object_type IN (...

Using hd-idle to spin down your hdd

Compiling from source: cd wget tar xvfz download sudo apt-get install debhelper cd ~/hd-idle dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot  Installing: cd .. sudo dpkg -i hd-idle_*.deb sudo service hd-idle start/stop sudo...

Compiling TrueCrypt from Source

This example is for ubuntu installations, but it can be also adapted for other distributions. Install build tools: sudo apt-get install build-essential libfuse-dev libgtk2.0-dev libwxgtk2  Download Source Code and unzip: cd wget...