von DATUREX GmbH | Dez. 4, 2015 | VBA
History: In microsoft access a primary key is an index with name PRIMARYKEY (one word) How to remove: CurrentDb.Execute „DROP INDEX PRIMARYKEY ON [table-name]“ CurrentDb.Execute „ALTER TABLE [table-name] DROP [key-name]“...
von DATUREX GmbH | Dez. 1, 2015 | Allgemein
Beschreibung: Nach dem fehlerfreien installieren der Fritz Fax Software sollte man annehmen das es sofort funktioniert, doch anders als der Fehler vermuten lässt muss hier nichts installiert werden. Lösung: Mit dem angeschlossenes Telefon Tastenfolge #96*3* wählen...
von DATUREX GmbH | Nov. 24, 2015 | Google
You can follow this tutorial: https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/appengine-php-wordpress-starter-project but notice: This is only working for app engine and cloud storage projects which are in the same region, actually all instances have to be in the us...
von DATUREX GmbH | Nov. 24, 2015 | Google
Python 2.7 must be installed for App Engine usage other workaround when Python 2.7 is not working: On Windows OS, Go to the „Control Panel“ > „Programs & Features“ and unistall all the versions of GAE you have. Go to the path...
von DATUREX GmbH | Nov. 21, 2015 | Android, Mac OSX
Step 1 download: Download Android SDK from the link below: https://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html Step 2 extract: You can extract it anywhere, but the best place is in the YOUR USERNAME folder root. Step 3 path environment settings: Then you need to set the path...
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