WordPress mit Mysql in AWS EC2 Container Service

Vorwort: Um einen autoskalierbaren WordPress Blog via Docker Container in der Cloud zu betreiben, geht man einfach nach folgender Anleitung vor. Anleitung: Um einen WordPress Blog in der Amazon Cloud zu erstellen, registriert man sich bei AWS und navigiert im Menü auf...

Google app engine for wordpress hosting

You can follow this tutorial: https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/appengine-php-wordpress-starter-project but notice: This is only working for app engine and cloud storage projects which are in the same region, actually all instances have to be in the us...

Installing ADB on MAC OS X

Step 1 download: Download Android SDK from the link below: https://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html Step 2 extract: You can extract it anywhere, but the best place is in the YOUR USERNAME folder root. Step 3 path environment settings: Then you need to set the path...

Oracle Delete all Objects in a schema

DECLARE BEGIN FOR eachObject IN ( SELECT ‚DROP ‚ || object_type || ‚ ‚ || object_name || DECODE ( object_type, ‚TABLE‘, ‚ CASCADE CONSTRAINTS PURGE‘ ) AS statement_sql FROM user_objects WHERE object_type IN (...

Using hd-idle to spin down your hdd

Compiling from source: cd wget http://sourceforge.net/projects/hd-idle/files/latest/download tar xvfz download sudo apt-get install debhelper cd ~/hd-idle dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot  Installing: cd .. sudo dpkg -i hd-idle_*.deb sudo service hd-idle start/stop sudo...

Compiling TrueCrypt from Source

This example is for ubuntu installations, but it can be also adapted for other distributions. Install build tools: sudo apt-get install build-essential libfuse-dev libgtk2.0-dev libwxgtk2  Download Source Code and unzip: cd wget...