What is Mastodon?
Mastodon is a microblogging service similar to Twitter.
The difference, however, is that it is a decentralized service that was developed to counteract the current trends in social networks.
In this way, you avoid the massive data protection violations that occur through the use of services such as Twitter or Facebook.
They are escaping the increasing influence of algorithms.
What makes Mastodon different
- 100% Transparent through open source code development
- Decentralized, Mastodon currently runs on 2700 servers and is not under the control of a single instance
- Mastodon repositions itself closer to the original values of the Internet
- 140 instead of 500 characters per post, for more substantial content.
- With Mastodon you have control over who can see your tweets and who can follow you.
- There is no advertising
- With Mastodon you are not a product
At Daturex, we take care of the secure hosting and maintenance of your own Mastodon server in Germany. This provides you and your company with a secure and data protection-compliant information channel.
User interface

Mastodon Progressive Web App
Mastodon's progressive web app offers users many customization options.
In the left-hand column, a new toot (the equivalent of a tweet on Twitter) including an attachment can be shared with friends and/or followers at any time. You can select whether only friends or everyone can read the message.
While the other columns can be used for messages or detail views of members.

Third party mobile apps
There are numerous third-party apps for all major platforms.
A large number of companies and authorities already use Mastodon as a data protection-compliant notification channel.