Lexware + Haufe products

DATUREX GmbH is an official Lexware and Haufe partner and offers you all the products of these partners.

Lexware Office

Multiple award-winning software from Lexware for finance and accounting

Throughout Germany, Lexware supports companies in realizing their dreams, ideas and visions.
Whether you need intelligent accounting software, reliable merchandise management programs or the latest computer program for your tax return: Lexware has your back with excellent solutions!


  • lexoffice

    Take care of invoices, bookkeeping, payroll accounting & finances online

  • Lexware accounting

    Simple and secure accounting

  • Lexware accounting plus

    Accounting with cashbook function and other extras

  • Lexware accounting pro

    Network-compatible accounting for professionals

  • Lexware accounting premium

    Accounting and asset management in one package

  • Lexware büro easy

    The simple office software with automatic accounting

  • Lexware büro easy start

    The starter package for your office work

  • Lexware büro easy plus

    Office software with accounting and employee management

  • Lexware cashbook

    Cash register management - simple and correct

Wage & salary

  • lexoffice wage & salary

    Create payroll accounting online

  • Lexware wage+salary

    Pay all wages and salaries simply and correctly

  • Lexware lohn+gehalt plus

    Payroll accounting with additional functions

  • Lexware lohn+gehalt pro

    The network-compatible payroll software

  • Lexware lohn+gehalt premium

    The convenience package for your payroll accounting

  • Lexware wage information

    The fast and secure wage and salary information

    Complete commercial solutions

    • lexoffice

      Take care of invoices, bookkeeping, payroll accounting & finances online

    • Lexware business

      The specialist for accounting and order processing

    • Lexware business plus

      Accounting and order processing with cloud services

    • Lexware business pro

      The network solution for your orders and bookings

    • Lexware financial office

      The commercial all-rounder for your office

    • Lexware financial office plus

      The complete package for office work with lots of extras

    • Lexware financial office pro

      Everything for the office - four programs in one software

    • Lexware financial office premium

      The network-compatible complete solution for your office work

    • Lexware büro easy

      The simple office software with automatic accounting

      Orders & Invoices

      • lexoffice

        Take care of invoices, bookkeeping, payroll accounting & finances online

      • Lexware faktura+auftrag

        Simply and cleverly manage orders

      • Lexware faktura+auftrag plus

        Simple order management with practical extras

      Merchandise management

      • Lexware merchandise management

        Professional merchandise management - from purchasing to sales

      • Lexware merchandise management pro

        The network solution for your merchandise management system

      • Lexware merchandise management premium

        Convenient merchandise management with many extras

      Travel expense accounting

      • Lexware travel expenses

        Simple and accurate accounting of travel costs and expenses

      • Lexware travel expenses plus

        Settle domestic and international trips for up to 100 people

      • Lexware travel expenses pro

        Settle travel expenses for up to 500 travelers

      • Lexware electronic logbook

        Reliably record business and private journeys

      Lexware Dashboard

      Connect your existing software with Lexware products

      Depending on the industry, you can use integration options to integrate your online store, time recording, a document management system (DMS), for example.
      or programs for travel expense accounting directly to lexoffice. With lexoffice, you can put together an individual company platform and we will support you in the process.


      Are you interested in Lexware or Haufe products?

      Then contact us, we can only provide excerpts from our partner's extensive range here. We look forward to presenting all our products to you in person.
