by DATUREX GmbH | May 10, 2016 | General
The Strongloop Process Manager is for automated deployments:
by DATUREX GmbH | May 10, 2016 | Docker
This is the solution: Using single-quotes instead of double-quotes Escape the ampersand & to \& Not escaping the exclamation mark ! e.g. docker run -i -t -rm \ -e 'LDAP_FILTER=(\&(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=user)' \ -e...
by DATUREX GmbH | Apr 30, 2016 | General, IONIC, Linux, Mac OSX
On mac osx, I had errors while running and building with ionic. This command fixed this on terminal: sudo chown -R $USER /Users/$USER/.config/
by DATUREX GmbH | Apr 23, 2016 | AWS, Wordpress
Foreword: To run an autoscalable WordPress blog via Docker Container in the cloud, simply follow the instructions below. Instructions: To create a WordPress blog in the Amazon Cloud, register with AWS and navigate in the menu to...
by DATUREX GmbH | Apr 22, 2016 | General, AngularJS
If you get this error, you are trying to requesting an url without adding a protocol to the address: e.g. instead of
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