Training data in AI companies

Training data in AI companies

What is training data in AI companies? Definition of training data in artificial intelligence Training data refers to the data pool used in the development of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). The...

FIX: ILIAS Pegasus stuck in splash screen

ERROR: main.js:24976 [5.11.2023, 15:39:06] [ERROR] PegasusErrorHandler - Error unhandled of type: TypeError: Right-hand side of 'instanceof' is not an object push../src/app/services/logging/logging.appenders.ts.ConsoleLogAppender.write @...

REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES forbidden in playstore

The android permission for REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES have to be explained via video or has to be removed from your already published apps because the normal usage is now forbidden in playstore. Some plugins depend on this permission e.g. cordova-plugin-file-opener2, so...

Android exported=true publishing error on playstore

There are new requirements for publishing apps in the google playstore. You have to set activitys, services, providers and receivers in your manifest to exported = true. In ionic and cordova apps you can easly add this in your config.xml android section:...
Mysql function sys_eval does not exists

Mysql function sys_eval does not exists

To install and enable the sys calls in MariaDB and Mysql with newer Versions you have to copy a plugin into the mysql plugin folder: On a Linux Server copy the plugin in the mysql plugin directory /usr/lib/mysql/plugin/ and install it on a mysql...