On July 19, 2024, a massive IT outage shook the digital world. A faulty update to CrowdStrike's cybersecurity software paralyzed millions of Windows computers. This System breakdown not only hit air traffic hard, but also affected supermarkets, hospitals and television stations. The incident is considered one of the biggest IT failures in history and shows the vulnerability of our networked world.

The impact was far-reaching and led to a wave of reactions in the IT industry. CrowdStrike reacted quickly and announced improvements to its testing procedures. The company also plans to roll out future updates in stages to prevent similar incidents. This incident underlines the importance of robust cyber security measures and raises questions about the reliability of critical IT infrastructures.

Important findings

  • A faulty CrowdStrike update caused a worldwide IT outage
  • Around 8.5 million Windows computers were affected
  • Air traffic was particularly badly affected
  • CrowdStrike plans improvements to the test systems
  • The incident shows the need for improved cyber security measures

Overview: The global IT outage and its impact

A serious incident occurred on July 19, 2024. IT incidentwhich caused a worldwide stir. A faulty update from the cyber security company CrowdStrike triggered a chain reaction that led to massive technical disruptions.

Cause of the failure: Faulty CrowdStrike update

The update affected Windows devices and caused numerous computer failures. The result was a far-reaching Company shutdown in various industries. CrowdStrike quickly recognized the error, but was unable to stop the spread in time.

Sectors and companies affected

The effects of the IT outage were felt in numerous sectors:

Sector Companies affected Effects
Aviation Ryanair, Delta Airlines Flight delays, booking systems offline
Retail trade Large supermarket chains Cash register systems down, merchandise management disrupted
Banks Australian banks Online banking not available, ATMs offline
Healthcare Hospitals, medical practices Patient data not retrievable, appointment allocation disrupted

Initial reactions from the IT community

The IT community reacted with dismay to the incident. Experts emphasized the need for improved security measures for software updates. Many companies announced that they would review their IT infrastructure in order to avoid future technical disruptions.

"This incident shows how important robust test systems and emergency plans are. We need to learn from this mistake and improve our processes."

IT outage Crowdstrike 19.07.2024: Chronology of events

On 19.07.2024, a massive explosion shook the System breakdown the global IT landscape. The trigger: a faulty update of CrowdStrike. The consequences were felt immediately, especially in air traffic. Thousands of passengers were stranded while airlines desperately tried to keep operations running.

The figures speak for themselves: on the first day of the technical disruption, 46,013 flights were delayed and 5,171 were canceled. In the USA, the situation worsened dramatically in the days that followed. Airports resembled ghost towns and queues at the counters grew immeasurably.

CrowdStrike reacted promptly. The company quickly identified the cause and began working feverishly on a solution. But time was of the essence. With each passing hour, the economic damage grew and the patience of those affected was severely tested.

"We are working around the clock to fix the problem and fully restore our systems," a CrowdStrike spokesperson said amid the crisis.

The IT world held its breath. Would it be possible to System breakdown in good time? The answer to this question should have far-reaching consequences for the future of the Cybersecurity have.

Massive disruptions in air traffic

The IT failure Crowdstrike 19.07.2024 led to an unprecedented Company shutdown in air traffic. The effects were far-reaching and affected airlines, airports and passengers alike.

Flight cancellations and delays in figures

The consequences of the outage were drastic. On 20.07.2024, there were massive disruptions in the USA:

Type of fault Number of flights
Delayed flights 35.204
Canceled flights 2.881

Reactions of the airlines

Delta Airlines was hit the hardest and had to cancel over 3,500 flights. Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport recorded 447 canceled flights, about 34% of all scheduled departures. The airlines responded with compensation and rebooking offers for affected passengers.

Impact on passengers and travel plans

For travelers, the IT failure Crowdstrike 19.07.2024 considerable inconvenience. Passengers experienced long waiting times and often had to change their travel plans at short notice. The situation led to overcrowded airports and frustration among those affected. The Company shutdown in air traffic clearly demonstrated the dependence of modern infrastructures on IT systems.

Affected sectors beyond aviation

The IT incident on July 19, 2024 not only hit the aviation industry hard. Numerous other sectors felt the effects of the technical disruption. Supermarkets reported difficulties with their checkout systems and stock management, which led to long queues and delivery delays.

The consequences were particularly serious in the healthcare sector. The University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein in Kiel and Lübeck had to cancel planned operations. Patients were asked to postpone their appointments, which led to uncertainty and frustration.

The media industry was not spared either. The British news channel SkyNews was unable to broadcast morning programs for several hours. This led to gaps in information and annoyed viewers.

  • Authorities: Limited customer service and delayed processing of applications
  • Banks: Problems with online banking services and ATMs
  • Retail: disruptions to payment processes and merchandise management systems

The far-reaching effects of the IT incident highlight the dependence of modern societies on functioning IT systems. Experts emphasize the need for robust security measures and emergency plans to better manage future technical disruptions.

CrowdStrike's response and crisis management

The IT outage on 19.07.2024 presented CrowdStrike with major challenges. The company reacted quickly to deal with the situation and restore the trust of its customers.

Official statement of the company

CrowdStrike immediately released a statement confirming the incident and apologizing to the customers affected. They emphasized their commitment to Cybersecurity and promised to take all necessary steps to prevent similar incidents in the future.

Technical explanation of the error

The cause of the outage was identified as a faulty update. A faulty file passed through the test mechanisms and caused Windows computers to crash. CrowdStrike explained that their quality assurance processes had failed in this case.

Measures to prevent future incidents

To avoid future outages, CrowdStrike announced the following measures:

  • Improvement of the test systems
  • Gradual roll-out of future updates
  • Increased investment in Emergency planning
  • Crisis management training for employees

As an immediate measure, the company distributed vouchers to the IT experts who were involved in solving the problem. In the long term, CrowdStrike plans to revise its cyber security strategies and implement more robust systems.

Measure Implementation period Expected benefit
Improvement of the test systems 3 months Reduction of errors by 80%
Step-by-step updates Immediately Minimization of default risks
Investments in Emergency planning 6 months Faster response times in crises
Employee training Ongoing Improved crisis management

Economic consequences of the IT failure

The IT outage on 19.07.2024 had far-reaching economic consequences. Numerous companies experienced an unexpected business shutdown, which led to considerable financial losses.

Airlines were particularly hard hit. Massive flight cancellations and delays forced them to make costly compensation payments to passengers. The retail sector suffered sales losses due to problems with checkout systems.

The stock market reacted promptly to the incident. CrowdStrike shares fell by 1.55% to USD 254.15 in Thursday trading on the NASDAQ. This shows the confidence problem that the company is now facing.

Experts warn of long-term economic consequences for affected companies. The fear of Data theft could lead to increased investment in IT security, which in turn increases operating costs.

Sector Estimated losses Main causes
Aviation 500 million euros Flight cancellations, compensation
Retail trade 200 million euros Cash register system failures
Financial sector 150 million euros Transaction delays

The exact costs of the IT outage have not yet been fully assessed. It is expected that the economic impact will become clearer in the coming weeks.

Lessons for cyber security and IT infrastructure

The IT outage on 19.07.2024 clearly shows how important a robust Cybersecurity is. Companies need to rethink and strengthen their IT infrastructure to avoid similar incidents in the future.

Importance of redundancy systems

Redundancy systems play a key role in cyber security. They ensure that critical systems continue to function in the event of failures. Companies should invest in multi-protected networks and backup solutions.

Review of update processes

The incident underlines the need for careful update processes. Companies need to improve their testing procedures for software updates. A thorough Recovery plan should also be available in order to be able to react quickly to problems.

Investments in more robust IT architectures

To the Cybercrime prevention investments in more stable IT structures are essential. This includes:

  • Improved network segmentation
  • Advanced monitoring systems
  • Increased access controls
Measure Advantages Implementation complexity
Redundancy systems Greater reliability Medium
Improved update processes Reduced risk of errors Low
Robust IT architecture Increased resistance High

These lessons learned from the IT outage can strengthen cyber security in the long term and better protect companies from future threats.

Reactions from the IT community and expert analyses

The IT incident at CrowdStrike triggered a wave of concern in the IT community. Experts intensively discussed the vulnerability of modern systems and the need for improved security measures.

A renowned cyber security expert emphasized:

"This incident clearly shows how important robust test procedures are. Companies need to rethink their update processes."

In professional circles, the unwritten law of the IT industry of not making any changes to productive systems on Fridays has been discussed. This practice is intended to prevent weekend disruptions and reduce the workload of IT teams.

  • Improvement of the test processes for updates
  • Strengthening redundancy systems
  • Increase in investments in IT infrastructure
  • Training staff in crisis situations

These findings form the basis for future improvements in cyber security and could help to prevent similar incidents in the future.

Recommendation Advantages Challenges
Improved test processes Early detection of errors Time required
Stronger redundancy systems Greater reliability Costs
Staff training Faster response times Continuous learning needs

Legal and regulatory consequences

The global IT outage of 19.07.2024 has far-reaching legal and regulatory consequences. Experts expect IT security regulations to be tightened. The authorities are investigating the incident closely in order to Data theft and prevent similar incidents in the future.

CrowdStrike is now facing possible legal consequences. Affected companies are examining claims for damages. The discussion about liability in the event of IT failures is becoming increasingly important. Regulatory authorities are considering new regulations to improve Cybercrime prevention.

Range Expected regulations
IT security Stricter controls for software updates
Data theft Increased penalties for security breaches
Air traffic Improved contingency plans for IT failures

The IT industry is facing the challenge of making its systems more robust. Companies need to invest in better security measures to prevent data theft. The Cybercrime prevention is moving into the focus of legislators. New laws are expected to clarify responsibilities in the event of IT failures.


The IT failure Crowdstrike 19.07.2024 has shaken the global economy. This incident clearly showed how vulnerable our networked systems are. Airlines, banks and many other industries were affected. The impact was far-reaching and cost millions.

This incident underlines the importance of robust cyber security. Companies need to review and strengthen their IT infrastructure. Regular tests and updates are essential. A well thought out Recovery plan can make all the difference in an emergency.

The lessons learned from this incident will have a lasting impact on the IT landscape. Experts are calling for stricter regulations and better emergency protocols. Companies are now investing more in security solutions and training. The IT outage Crowdstrike 19.07.2024 was a wake-up call for the entire industry.


What was the cause of the major IT outage on 19.07.2024?

A faulty update to CrowdStrike's IT security software triggered the outage and caused an estimated 8.5 million Windows computers to crash.

Which sectors were affected by the IT outage?

Air traffic was particularly badly affected, but retail, healthcare and media companies also reported significant problems due to the outage.

How did CrowdStrike react to the incident?

The company quickly identified the faulty update as the cause and worked on a solution. CrowdStrike issued an official statement explaining the technical background and plans to improve the test systems and roll out future updates in stages.

What impact did the outage have on air traffic?

On the first day, there were over 46,000 delays and over 5,000 flight cancellations. On 20.07.2024, over 35,000 flights were delayed and almost 3,000 canceled in the USA. Delta Airlines had to cancel over 3,500 flights.

What were the economic consequences of the IT failure?

Airlines suffered massive financial losses due to flight cancellations and compensation payments. Retail companies recorded sales losses due to problems with checkout systems. CrowdStrike shares fell by 1.55% in Thursday trading.

What lessons can be learned from the incident for cyber security?

The incident underlines the need for improved redundancy systems, more careful update processes and investment in more robust IT architectures. Companies need to rethink their resilience to technical disruptions.

How did the IT community react to the outage?

The IT community reacted with concern and emphasized the vulnerability of modern IT systems. Experts discussed the need for improved security measures and more robust test procedures.

Are legal or regulatory consequences to be expected?

Possible legal consequences for CrowdStrike and affected companies are being discussed. The authorities are expected to investigate the incident and possibly issue new regulations.