035179593513 [email protected]

To install and enable the sys calls in MariaDB and Mysql with newer Versions you have to copy a plugin into the mysql plugin folder:

On a Linux Server copy the plugin in the mysql plugin directory /usr/lib/mysql/plugin/lib_mysqludf_sys.so and install it on a mysql bash

CREATE FUNCTION lib_mysqludf_sys_info RETURNS string SONAME 'lib_mysqludf_sys.so';
CREATE FUNCTION sys_get RETURNS string SONAME 'lib_mysqludf_sys.so';
CREATE FUNCTION sys_set RETURNS int SONAME 'lib_mysqludf_sys.so';
CREATE FUNCTION sys_exec RETURNS int SONAME 'lib_mysqludf_sys.so';
CREATE FUNCTION sys_eval RETURNS string SONAME 'lib_mysqludf_sys.so';


We compiled the lib above for ubuntu linux, when you download libaries from the internet please check it first with an antivirus. In the case of lib mysqludf there are a bunch of libs with virus on board available on the internet in github repos and so one, so be carefull.

after this you can test it with sql statements like this (when curl is installed, otherwise apt get update and apt get install curl on ubuntu)

SELECT sys_eval('curl https://app-web-entwicklung.de');

